> 春节2024 > 怎么画过年习俗的手抄报




Spring Festival Customs English Handwritten Report Materials needed: white chart paper or construction paper. Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is a time for family reunions, delicious food, and various customs and traditions. If you want to make a handcrafted report about Spring Festival customs in English, here are some ideas:

  • Choose a background: Use white chart paper or construction paper as the base for your handcrafted report.
  • Decorate with traditional symbols: Incorporate traditional Chinese symbols like fireworks, lion dances, dragon dances, and red lanterns into your report to represent the lively atmosphere of Spring Festival.
  • Add some traditional customs: Include descriptions and illustrations of customs such as family gatherings, firecrackers, red envelope giving, and the Spring Festival Gala.
  • Highlight traditional food: Feature some of the most popular festive foods, such as dumplings, fish, glutinous rice cakes, and tangyuan, and explain their symbolic meanings.
  • Include relevant vocabulary: Add English translations of key vocabulary related to Spring Festival customs, such as \"family reunion\" and \"good luck.\"

By following these tips, you can create an informative and visually appealing handcrafted report about Spring Festival customs in English. Happy crafting and happy Spring Festival!


If you are making a handcrafted report about Spring Festival, it\'s essential to choose decorations that reflect the festive atmosphere and cultural significance of this traditional Chinese holiday. Here are some ideas on how to decorate your Spring Festival handcrafted report:

  • Use a red background: Red is the color associated with good luck and celebration in Chinese culture, so using red as the main background color for your handcrafted report is a great choice.
  • Incorporate traditional symbols: Include illustrations of traditional Spring Festival customs, such as firecrackers, dragon dances, and lion dances. These symbols not only make your report more visually appealing but also represent the unique cultural elements of Chinese New Year.
  • Add some sparkle: Consider using gold glitter or gold-colored paper to add a touch of elegance and festivity to your handcrafted report. Gold is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in Chinese culture and is often used during Spring Festival.
  • Include relevant Chinese characters: Write or print Chinese characters related to Spring Festival, such as \"福\" (meaning \"luck\") or \"春\" (meaning \"spring\"), and decorate them with colorful designs. This adds an authentic touch to your report.

Remember, the key to decorating your Spring Festival handcrafted report is to embrace the festive spirit and showcase the unique cultural traditions of this joyous holiday. Have fun crafting!



  • 春节的来历:可以介绍关于传说中的“年兽”,以及人们如何通过燃放烟花爆竹和贴春联等方式来驱赶“年兽”。可以用数据说明消防安全与年夜饭的关系。
  • 春节的习俗:包括家人团聚、拜年、压岁钱、舞龙舞狮、放鞭炮等习俗,可以通过图片和文字相结合的方式进行介绍。
  • 春节的美食:介绍一些春节期间必吃的传统美食,如饺子、年糕、汤圆等,可以解释它们的象征意义和制作方法。
  • 春节的文化活动:介绍一些与春节相关的文化活动,如春节晚会和舞狮表演等,可以配上相关的图片。
  • 春节的祝福语:列举一些常用的春节祝福语,并解释它们的含义。




  • 春节的来历:可以介绍传说中的“年兽”以及人们如何通过燃放烟花爆竹和贴春联来驱除“年兽”,并用图画展示这个故事。
  • 春节的习俗:包括给长辈拜年、舞龙舞狮、放鞭炮等习俗,可以通过图片和文字结合的方式进行介绍。
  • 春节的发展:可以通过数据和图表展示春节在不同历史时期的变化和发展,例如人们的春节消费习惯、交通出行情况等。
  • 春节的古诗:选取一些与春节相关的古诗,如《过年》、《迎新年》等,可以用文字和水墨画呈现。
  • 图画:绘制一些与春节相关的图片,如舞狮子、放鞭炮的场景等,可以用鲜艳的颜色和传统绘画风格来呈现。











  • 春节的由来:介绍春节的起源和传说,如关于\"年兽\"的故事以及人们如何用红色、烟花爆竹等方式来庆祝和驱赶\"年兽\"。
  • 春节的习俗:包括家人团聚、贴春联、放鞭炮、舞狮等传统习俗,可以通过图片和文字来进行介绍。
  • 春节的美食:介绍一些春节期间必吃的传统美食,如饺子、年糕、汤圆等,可以包含菜谱和制作方法。
  • 春节的文化活动:介绍一些与春节相关的文化活动,如春节晚会、花市等,可以用图片和文字相结合来展示。
  • 春节的祝福语:列举一些常用的春节祝福语,如\"新年快乐\"、\"恭喜发财\"等,可以附上解释它们意义的文字说明。


