> FM电台大全 > 在电台工作的英文




Good morning,everyone.It is time for the latest news . It was about three in the afternoon , a car, in which there were two women and a child ,suddently crashe... Good morning,everyone.It is time for the latest news . It was about three in the afternoon , a car, in which there were two women and a child ,suddently crashe... a car, in which there were two women and a child ,suddently crashed a tree . The cause of the accident is that the road was slippery after the heavy rain 。


应该不是特别岗位的要求,就没有必须吧,电视台的工作时间比较不稳定,经常需要加班熬夜的,这是肯定的,不过主要看你喜欢这个行业不咯,喜欢的话,就会克服吧。 。 应该不是特别岗位的要求,就没有必须吧,电视台的工作时间比较不稳定,经常需要加班熬夜的,这是肯定的,不过主要看你喜欢这个行业不咯,喜欢的话,就会克服吧。 。


Heworksforaradiostation. Heworksforaradiostation.

有五个人晚上在广播电台工作的英语翻译. - 雨露学习互助

There are five people working at the radio station in the evening

我姐姐的一个朋友在广播电台工作.英语翻译. - 雨露学习互助

A friend of my sister's is working at a radiao station.不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】


电台工作人员简称是DJ DJ分两大类:一大类是媒体DJ,这种DJ多半是在电视台或电台做主持工作(DJ:Disc Jockey的简称,又称“唱片骑师”,是指选择并且播放事先录好的音乐来... 电台工作人员简称是DJ DJ分两大类:一大类是媒体DJ,这种DJ多半是在电视台或电台做主持工作(DJ:Disc Jockey的简称,又称“唱片骑师”,是指选择并且播放事先录好的音乐来... DJ分两大类:一大类是媒体DJ,这种DJ多半是在电视台或电台做主持工作(DJ:Disc Jockey的简称,又称“唱片骑师”,是指选择并且播放事先录好的音乐来为他人带来娱乐的人),。

我的爸爸在广播电台工作.这句用英语怎么说? - 雨露学习互助

My father works in the radio.


中央人民广播电台、中国国际广播电台,以及北京广播电台都有英语频道。 中央人民广播电台、中国国际广播电台,以及北京广播电台都有英语频道。


无线电发报应该说是最早的通信发明,其利用电键控制一个低频信号发生器的振荡与否,再被一个高频载波信号所调制,经功率放大,由天线发射,其工作频率点设在短波段(SW),在接收端... 无线电发报应该说是最早的通信发明,其利用电键控制一个低频信号发生器的振荡与否,再被一个高频载波信号所调制,经功率放大,由天线发射,其工作频率点设在短波段(SW),在接收端。

3高中毕业去北京上大学 4想在电视台工作 - 雨露学习互助

I'm a ordinary student .My study not very good ,but I'm very hard.I have a lot of idear.At the first,I want to be a repoter,I invente to the newspaper magazine ... I'm a ordinary student .My study not very good ,but I'm very hard.I have a lot of idear.At the first,I want to be a repoter,I invente to the newspaper magazine ... a ordinary student .My study not very good ,but I'm very hard.I have a lot of idear.At the first,I want to be a repoter,I invente to the newspaper magaz。
