> FM电台大全 > 广播电台用英文怎么说




He works for a radio station. He works for a radio station.


Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch TV. Perhaps more people listen to the radio. The TV is more useful than t... Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch TV. Perhaps more people listen to the radio. The TV is more useful than t... The TV is more useful than the radio. On TV we can see and hear what is happening in the world. But radio isn't lost. It is still with us. That's because a ..。


问题一:广播(英语怎么说?) radio问题二:听广播用英语怎么说 listen to the radio programme问题三:“广播节目”用英语怎么说 broadcast program/column问题四:广播站 英文... Th禒 broadcasting station 希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)问题五:电台英语怎么说 radio station 广播电台问题六:“广播室”用英文... (*^__^*)问题五:电台英语怎么说 radio station 广播电台问题六:“广播室”用英文怎么说? 1.broadcasting studio 2.radio station 3.broa阀casting room 4.public a。


【成长与成才】问:英语水平不高,但每天都听英语电台入睡,时间久了英语水平是否会提高? 答:每天都听英语电台入睡对提供英文有帮助,但远远不够。 首先赞赏你听英语电台... 【成长与成才】问:英语水平不高,但每天都听英语电台入睡,时间久了英语水平是否会提高? 答:每天都听英语电台入睡对提供英文有帮助,但远远不够。 首先赞赏你听英语电台。


英国广播电台的英文缩写是BBC 英国广播电台的英文缩写是BBC

FM(调频)107.9用英语怎么读? - 雨露学习互助

FM one O/zero seven point nine.一般radio频率中的零读字幕O,这样听起来很顺口.


Good morning,everyone.It is time for the latest news . It was about three in the afternoon , a car, in which there were two women and a child ,suddently crashe... Good morning,everyone.It is time for the latest news . It was about three in the afternoon , a car, in which there were two women and a child ,suddently crashe... a car, in which there were two women and a child ,suddently crashed a tree . The cause of the accident is that the road was slippery after the heavy rain 。


中国人民广播电台英语频道是;中央人民广播电台英语之夜;武汉频率: 97.8 9;《英语之夜》是中央人民广播电台经济之声自2002年11月18日推出的一档全新的广播双语杂志节目。... 中国人民广播电台英语频道是;中央人民广播电台英语之夜;武汉频率: 97.8 9;《英语之夜》是中央人民广播电台经济之声自2002年11月18日推出的一档全新的广播双语杂志节目。


英语听力频道是东方广播电台FM(调频)89.9兆赫、AM(中波)792千赫。 英语听力频道是东方广播电台FM(调频)89.9兆赫、AM(中波)792千赫。

通过纽约广播电台用英文怎么说拜托 - 雨露学习互助

C'mon through New York radio station
