> FM电台大全 > 我想在一家电台工作英文




All kinds of programmes are broadcast here . For example brief news moral education voice of the class sports entertainment music appreciation are broadcast on... All kinds of programmes are broadcast here . For example brief news moral education voice of the class sports entertainment music appreciation are broadcast on 。

想在一家电视台工作并环游世界(有用英语翻译) - 雨露学习互助

want to work in a television station and travel around the world.

英语的 用my dream job 写作 80词 关于记者的,...- 雨露学习互助

My dream work is to be a reporter.So I am working hard to make it come true. First I want to go to a university in Beijing after high school. Maybe I'm going to... My dream work is to be a reporter.So I am working hard to make it come true. First I want to go to a university in Beijing after high school. Maybe I'm going to... work is to be a reporter.So I am working hard to make it come true. First I want to go to a university in Beijing after high school. Maybe I'm going to 。


He works for a radio station. He works for a radio station.


He works for a radio station. He works for a radio station.


works at a radio station. radio staton 广播电台 works at a radio station.radio staton 广播电台

我姐姐的一个朋友在广播电台工作.英语翻译. - 雨露学习互助

A friend of my sister's is working at a radiao station.不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】


到电视台工作要什么百条件,怎么才能进电视台,解决办法:1.记者,大学本科毕业,有一定的专业能力,面试通过;2.摄像,大专以上有一定的能力.度3.口才要好,五官要端,,普通话要标准... 播音主持专业声音女性甜美、男性有磁性,声音得富有感染力吐字清晰良好的应变反应能力,不能冷场 大多数企业人事部门招聘人员的基本流程会是这样:确定人员需求——制定招聘计划阶段——人员甄选阶段——招聘评估阶段.招聘工作流程大致可分为:一、用人部门提 这有很多呢.http://bbs.byzc.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=11广播电台的主持人应聘条件。

我将要在电视台工作 用英语怎么翻译

I'm going to work in a television station 电视台 television (broadcast) station 再问: 可不可以用上“will” 再答: I'm going to work in a television station =I wi... I'm going to work in a television station电视台television (broadcast) station 再问: 可不可以用上“will”再答: I'm going to work in a television station =I wi... going to work in a television station电视台television (broadcast) station 再问: 可不可以用上“will”再答: I'm going to work in a television station =。

她妈妈在一家电台工作当记者.这句话的英文. - 雨露学习互助

Her mother is a reporter with a broadcasting company.
